"It’s like…. I’ve been training more but getting slower." said Latracy.

"REST DAYS ARE FOR THE MEDIOCRE." chimed-in keith.

"How can I keep building while working and being a good mom?" inquired Rache.


Fitness has always been a double-edged sword. We definitely have to train heavy and consistently. Keeping up with the holy trinity of Strength, Cardio, and Fitness should not be taken lightly. But as we train, we must also recover. Adequate recovery keeps the mind focused on wellbeing and reduces any risk of injury. This alludes to Recovery having a physical and mental aspect. During our training we have moments of micro-recovery. For example, say we are working our total body. We take a break from squats, to do seated curls. We are allowing our legs to recover while we engaging our arms in growth. Another form is when we take a 2 min. break in-between exercises. This is when no physical action is occurring but we are still mentally engaged. But when we don't remove ourselves entirely from training, we run the risk of fatigue. What exactly is fatigue? 

  Fatigue is deadly to our growth. We all know too much of a good thing, is always bad. Too much water will drown you. Too much food will make you obese . Even vitamins in too large of an amount can cause an overdose. The same goes for training. Training through fatigue can cause loss of performance and alter your mentality in a negative manner. When your body taps into central fatigue your body/mind slows down dramatically. This is usually a warning sign that peripheral fatigue is on the way. This is when your muscles become unresponsive to your nervous system . Things can get dangerous here….

Fatigue usually correlates with symptoms such as loss of appetite, muscle soreness, and even interrupted sleep patterns. So how do we combat fatigue and keep balance between our training and recovery? Rest days are key! One every other day is great for a healthy lifestyle. Refuel the body with complex carbohydrates & sports drinks no longer than 30 mins after training. Taking easily digestible protein 30 mins after is a great recovery practice as well. You don't want to take a protein that's hard to digest because digestion takes energy. That's energy the body honestly doesn't have. Drinking water along with those sports-drinks are the keys for proper rehydration. As for the mental side, meditation is key. Sitting in silence and relaxing your body while holding good posture. Focusing intently on your breathing can work wonders for your motives and mentality. Of course also….Sleep.

Recovery for your mental and physical health is key for your success. It allows your training to give you the best results inside and out. So don't think you're lazy for resting and recovering. It's part of the development of your discipline.  You must learn "to do '' and "to do nothing" without losing focus . This is key in your wellness and building longevity. 

- “Recovery is balance not laziness.”

- "You must learn "to do '' and "to do nothing" without losing focus.”

-"Listen to your body and aid all of its need from building to healing."



